As this years ikeji commenced on 1/09/2021 the Amannagwu Village of the Arochukwu Kingdom is set to entertain the entire Aro with their Unique Ekpo Display. 

As this years Ikeji Festival is tagged with the theme, “Ikeji Arochukwu; Culture for Peace and Unity would be focused on using this year annual Ikeji Festival in promoting Culture, Peace and Unity among the Arochukwu Kingdom.

READ ALSO: The Meaning Of Okpankpo In Arochukwu Kingdom

According to a statement by, Dr. Kanu Ohuche the Chairman Ikeji Aro 2021 Committee, “The purpose of this bodywork is to highlight the implementation demand for a triumphant delivery of Ikeji Aro cultural and entertainment celebrations in 2021” .

In addition, the Chairman Disclosed that this years Ikeji Festival would help in showcasing important cultural events that will headline a World Cultural Brochure in 2021 and years to come.

READ ALSO: Apprved Ikeji Aro Calendar 2021

As the committee is working tirelessly to entertain guests from different parts of the world, Amannagwu village is set to drill the guests with their Ekpo Display as some Aro top dignitaries will be present to grease this occasion. The years Ikeji is aimed at Promoting the Aro cultural Heritage and to help subsidize these periods of grief of the Aro Kingdom sequel to the demise of their King; Eze Mazi Ogbonnaya Vincent Okoro.

From the look of things this years Ikeji is likely going to be one of the bests and a memorable one to be as the committee is headed by the Aro top sons and daughters who have love and zeal in promoting the Aro Culture. 

Incase you haven’t heard or known about the Avor Osu of the Arochukwu Kingdom. 

11. Avor Osu – Friday 17/09/2021

The Avor osu is a day people gather at Amannagwu village in Arochukwu to eat the meal prepared the previous day during Orie Egbugbu – Thursday 16/09/2021 is now presented to friends and well-wishers on the Avor osu morning by women. Visitors are also entertained with the delicacy. Members of each family are summoned to the osu meal by the exclamation AFOR OSU OKO-O! The word Okoo is an exclamation used by the Aro to signal an emergency. The sharing of Osu from one household, family to another are usually carried out by young girls who are searching for suitors. It is an amazing day for special Ekpo masquerade performances at the highest level all over the kingdom especially at Obinkita. The journey from one family to the other provides huge opportunities for young bachelors to ask questions seek and fine. Ofor Osu in Aro calendar is a day of caring, sharing, exchange of gifts, pleasantries and good will. 

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