The current blood conflict in Arochukwu between Ugbo village and Ikpanja of Akwa Ibom state is very worrisome and portends great danger to the peace and security of Arochukwu kingdom.
Though this is not the first time Ikpanja would make such attack, as Ugbo, Amukwa and Atani could testify to it. This one is very daring, as what used to happen in the farms was now brought to our homes — to our villages.
It is obvious that Ikpanja is claiming every stream near any Arochukwu village that shares a boundary with her, cutting these off from their farm lands and leaving them landless.
On 3rd June 2012, Ikpanja attacked Odukpani community (Ito, a Calabar community) and forced the community to flee. This was because of oil discovery in Odukpani. Akwa-Ibom government, unlike Abia’s, fully support Ikpanja in all these rogue campaigns.
Though my father, late Mazi Lawrence Okoronkwo Onwuharonye, led Amasu to a condolence visit to Ikpanja that negotiated release of three Amasu men held by Ikpanja soon after civil war and, covenant that has kept the peace between Amasu and Ikpanja, he told me before his death, to tell Mazi Chris Ukpabi to tell Aro not to be at ease, but build a strong security that will defend Aro from her Mbanmiri neigbors, including Igbo neighbors, because he discerned the evil ambition of Ikpanja, in particular.
Aro can defeat and recapture whatever Ikpanja has taken from Aro if only we would see this attack as attack against Aro, not just to the neighbouring communities. But I suggest we first extend olive branch to them. Their late reverend king, Ibiritam, said something which would serve as basis for any negotiation between Amasu/Aro and Ikpanja. (Detail what happened and what the king said I won’t say here, as both Amasu and Ikpanja might have forgotten it).
This is the rightful time to come together and fight what belongs to Us.