Arochukwu Teens Forum Awards Hon. Mike Ukoha As “A Pinnacle Performer” As He Shares Education Aided Materials

The Minority Whip/member representing Arochukwu State Constituency in the Abia House of Assembly, Hon. Dr. Mike Ukoha, has bagged an Excellent award as ”A Pinnacle Performer ”, from Arochukwu Teens Forum.

The award came during the event of Arochukwu Teens Day which the Honourable member was in attendance to support the teens.

While presenting the award, the CEO Aro Okeigbo Blog; Comr. Nnadozie Victor, described Hon. Mike as education loving lawmaker who has proven beyond all human doubt to be a Frontline achiever in community development and lauded him for the various outstanding projects he has attracted in Arochukwu.

Mr. Nnadozie further informed the general public that the award on Hon. Ukoha, emerged from a thorough and careful preference process which they found the Lawmaker consistent in investment on the life of pupils, students and his notable strides in creating an education friendly environment.
He urged the Lawmaker to continue in his quality representation and good works, assuring him that they are solidly behind him.

Responding, Hon. Dr. Mike Ukoha, thanked the Organizers of the event for the award and supported the event with a handsome cash donation.

He hinted that the award will spur him to do more for not only the teens of Arochukwu but to the entire constituency as he has always been doing.

He used the medium to share educational aided Materials and highlighted some of his achievements in education which include construction of Aggrey Primary School at Ibom Village Arochukwu, Rebuilding of Arochukwu Town School at Amannagwu Village Arochukwu, offering of financial support to SS3 students for WAEC registration, among others.

He thanked the Organizers of the occasion, and prayed God to bless every one of them.

Comr. Ogbuji Theophilus, reporting for Aro Okeigbo Blog

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