50 yr old man drug and rape his daughter

Olukayode Joseph, a 50-year-old father, is accused of drugging and defiling his 14-year-old daughter in Ogun State.

Operatives of the Ogun So-Safe Corps detained Joseph on Thursday and accused him of turning the underage girl into a “sex machine.”

This was revealed in a statement released on Friday by Moruf Yusuf, a spokesperson for So-Safe Corps.

Joshua, a resident of Akinbo Phase 2, Opposite Ola Fatia House, Olambe in Ifo Local Government Area of the State, was allegedly found to have had carnal knowledge of Joshua’s biological daughter, according to a distress call the agency received, according to Yusuf.

Yusuf revealed that the Divisional Officer of the Corps in Oke-Aro/Olambe, SC Akeem Olaiya, had been given quick orders to arrest the suspect by the State Commander, Soji Ganzallo.


He continued by saying that the Agbado Area Command also sent extra soldiers to the area to defend the alleged rapist from the wrath of the jungle.

As part of the preliminary inquiry, the suspect admitted to the crime and begged for forgiveness after realising that he could no longer conceal his covert dealings with his daughter, who was innocent, Yusuf added.

Further information revealed that the victim had charged her father of repeatedly sleeping with her after drugging her.

I just used to detect white discharges from my intimate area, she claimed.

The suspect, however, claimed it was his first time having intercourse with his daughter and denied sedating her before the encounter.

The suspect and victim, according to Yusuf, were moved to the Ajuwon Police Division for

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